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Jens Ravens

The Last Guide To Parsing JSON You Will Ever Need

Swift 4 finally contains a mechanism for easy serialization. This talk explores the basics of Codables.

Stephan Babou

When Apple meets AR

It's time for AR! The last WWDC was full of announcements: one of them concerns Augmented Reality features now offered through iOS 11. Rather than a technical deep dive into the possibilities now offered by iOS 11, this talk aims to raise interest within Berlin swift developers community about the new functionalities that can be included within apps and for those interested participate to a future Meetup with AR Berlin Meetup community around this topic.

Christopher Stott

Building buddybuild

Chris and a couple of friends, while building an iOS app themselves, grew so frustrated that with existing developer tools, they decided to put the app on hold and build a better platform for all mobile developers.

Engin Kurutepe

Unidirectional Dataflow with ReSwift

ReSwift is a Redux-like implementation of the unidirectional data flow architecture in Swift. It helps you to isolate state inside your app and manage state transitions and propagation of state to various components in your app in a well-defined, predictable and testable fashion.

Arash Kashi

How I came with peace with Core Data.

Mobile applications tend to need more local data storage nowadays. CoreData is a powerful tool for storing and querying locally stored information. In the first glance it may appears a little complicated to setup and use its power, at least this was the case to me. This talk aims to present a quick and easy way to setup Core Data. If you are interested to take a look before the meet-up, checkout the github link below.

Dmitry Bespalov

How moving to manual dependency management saved us app startup and build time.

Cocoapods is a de-facto standard in iOS dependency management. Nevertheless, with complex project structure it becomes hard to maintain. I'll tell you a story of transitioning our project from Cocoapods to manual dependency management, which improved our project structure, build time and app startup time.

Ronny Deicke

Space Galaxy Rogue - iOS Game

SGRogue is an iOS Game I started developing one year ago and it's finally in the Beta Test phase. I want to present the latest build and also want to share some things which helped me developing the game.

Maxim Zaks

Asynchronous Behaviour Trees with Swift

Behaviour Trees is a concept known in game development and robotics. I want to show a little hack I did, making behaviour trees asynchronous and implementing them in Swift. I might also mention why they can be usefull for Swift developers.

Vijaya P. Kandel

Migrating Zalando App to Swift3

Why did we migrate? Challenges faced and whats cool about Swift3.

Konrad Feiler

Recursive Enums, Value Types in Swift & Performance Analysis

One feature in Swift that is often overlooked are indirect enum cases. With those we can create tree based data structures that are benefiting from Swifts efficient value types. In my talk I will explain this, using the an example called KD-Tree a k-dimensional binary space partitioning tree that is used for nearest neighbour searches among other things. Furthermore I will present performance results that present the advantages of of value types in general.

Claus Höfele

Running and deploying Swift server applications with Docker

An introduction to Docker with examples on how to containerize a Swift server application.

Alex Curran

Using Swift to write better code

Writing better code is what makes great developers, a great codebase, and great products. So how can you use Swift's power to make your life easier and your code even better?

Gasper Kolenc

Sound manipulation with AVAudioEngine

I will present how we achieve sound manipulation at Dubsmash to make videos more engaging. I will talk how one can achieve both live audio manipulation as well as later exporting the manipulated audio files themselves.

Alexsander Akers

Devon Scope now built into your iPhone


Felix Krause

What would you do with 2 extra hours every single week?

Felix will talk about completely automating the deployment of your app to the App Store, including code signing, screenshots and more

Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler

Live-Coding Talk

Chris and Florian from will give a short a live-coding talk, similar in style to their new Swift Talk project.

Felix Gabel

Developing User Interfaces

This talk is about concepts for implementing scalable user interfaces and what a potential solution for developing user interfaces with Swift might look like in the future.

Shyam Bhat

UI Testing with Earl Grey

An introduction to Earl Grey - Google's powerful UI Automation Framework for native iOS Apps and a demo of its usage in the ImmobilienScout App.

Gasper Kolenc

Utilizing AVFoundation at Dubsmash

I will present the Dubsmash video creation flow based on where we use AVFoundation to its fullest extent. It has been very much a love / hate relationship with AVFoundation so I will also present some pitfalls we faced and how to overcome them.

Daniel Tomlinson

REST API's in Swift

An introduction to building REST API's in Swift, starting with an intro to the key components and tools before then diving in to building a simple todo list API.

Jens Ravens

Interstellar v2

See how reactive programming can make your code shorter, easier to read and more elegant with the next major version of the Interstellar framework.

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss.

Ilya Puchka

Dependency Injection in Swift

Dependency Injection is a simple but powerful technique that helps to write loosely coupled code. Let's talk about what DI is and what it is not and specifically how we can do it in Swift.

Mykhailo Gerasymenko

Swift custom operators: The good, the bad and the ugly.

A quick technical dive into the world of swift custom operators with some practical examples and unusual techniques.

Originally from Ukraine, iOS developer since iOS 2.1 SDK, currently working on UI of Wire.

Boris Bügling

Swift Package Manager

The recent open source release of Swift included a first-party dependency manager, the Swift Package Manager. Let's see what it does, what's involved in building our own packages, how it works and look at its relation to other dependency managers.

iOS at Contentful and Senior VP of Evil at CocoaPods.

Maxim Zaks

Beyond JSON with FlatBuffers

JSON parsing was the most discussed topic in Swift community. I want to show you that it is possible to avoid it all together.

Jens Ravens

Taking Swift to the Server

Swift on Linux is finally there. What about building your next big coding project in Swift instead of Rails or node.js?

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss helping clients to create awesome apps.

Jens Ravens

Async Transformations with Interstellar

Who's afraid of the monad? Let's have a look at results, signals and why concurrency doesn't have to be evil.

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss helping clients to create awesome apps.

Josh Garth

Industries Full Of Frustrated Consumers

Industrial software isn't exactly synonymous with great design, ease-of-use or a fun process. Why shouldn't it be?

Josh works as Head of Mobile at Crispy Mountain, a one-stop Rails & iOS shop for startup MVPs and full-blown industrial software.

Ariel Elkin

Using Swift enums with collection views and table views

A good way to let the Swift compiler help you build a rock-solid UICollectionView or UITableView is to manage their layout structure through an enum. This talk will show you a simple and safe way to implement this in your Swift apps.

Ariel is an iOS developer, with big interest in audio and blockchains. He contributes to open source libraries and puts his dishes in the dishwasher. Currently working at at Project A.

Onur Akpolat

How to turn every app into a social network

Every day, more communities arise in different verticals. Spotify for music, Github for Development etc. Tapglue helps you to turn your app into a social network too. In this presentation you'll learn how easy it is to do it and why it makes sense for most apps in the first place.

Oliver Eikemeier

Let’s dissect ZContainer

On CocoaHeads Berlin we introduced a method to modularize an app using a service locator. In this talk the concrete implementation of this service locator and swift features used are examined.

SpeedDOS, ’txtr, Zalando.

Matteo Caldari

iOS at EyeEm (Lightning Talk)

Maxim Zaks

The ground work

I want to talk about data structures, value vs. reference type and maybe even singleton pattern.

Edgar Neto and Karolis Stasaitis

Building UI Views Programatically with SnapKit

We will show how to build UI Views programatically using SnapKit's DSL instead of Interface Builder. We will also expand the discussion about reuse of graphical components through composition (instead of inheritance).

Boris Bügling

Native watch apps and third-party complications

Let's take a practical look at Apple's newest development platform watchOS, by implementing a GitHub streak custom complication and a native Spotify watch app.

iOS at Contentful and Senior VP of Evil at CocoaPods.

Ramy Khoury

Improve compilation times of Swift projects

iOS at Zalando

Jens Ravens

Hipster Oriented Programming

Not sure if you should order a burrito or a monad for lunch? Get a quick overview of Object Oriented, Functional and Protocol Oriented programming and learn what all that fuss is about.

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss helping clients to create awesome apps.

Maxim Zaks

UIKonf App Architecture & Data Oriented Design

Software developer with a passion for Games, Testing and Agile.

Jens Ravens

Swift 2

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss helping clients to create awesome apps.

Marco Conti

A case study: our experience on adopting SWIFT in the data model layer

Former average Italian, now enthusiastic programmer and country hopper

Marcio Klepacz

Testing view controllers with Quick and Nimble

Marcio is an iOS Developer originally from Brazil, currently working at GetYourGuide in Berlin. He is a retired kitesurfer a pony and likes to contribute to open source when he's not trying to finish some useless projects.

Jens Ravens

Kickstart to Swift 1.2

Swift is constantly changing and Apple just announced the beta of Swift 1.2. This update brings some major features and bugfixes that might make your life as a developer simpler.

Jens is an iOS and OS X Developer, writing ObjC since 2006. Currently working at nerdgeschoss helping clients to create awesome apps.

Boris Bügling

Swift funtime

This talk revisits the Objective-C 2.0 runtime in the age of Swift and also takes a look at the runtime for pure Swift classes. You will learn which parts of dynamic behaviour you can still utilise and how common practical runtime hackery translates to Swift.

Boris is a Cocoa developer from Berlin, who currently works on the iOS SDK at Contentful. He also tries to contribute to open source by building plugins to fix Xcode annoyances and bashing bugs in CocoaPods.